Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) in the Summertown & St Margaret’s (SuStM) Neighbourhood Forum area

This page sets out the background to CIL funding, what it can be used for and the process for applying for and allocating funds. It will be reviewed annually.


The SuStM Neighbourhood Plan (the Plan) came into effect after it was voted on by residents in a local referendum on 7 March 2019, and subsequently approved by the Council on 29 April 2019. From this date 25% of CIL funds are being allocated to SuStM by Oxford City Council.

The trigger for payment of CIL by developers (assessed on the whole development, not just on the housing element) is currently the commencement of the development. Oxford City Council holds the CIL funds and will notify SuStM and the relevant Ward Councillors, at the end of October and the end of April each year, how much has been received. The Council will also provide this information upon request at other times of the year.

The amount of CIL money generated depends on the amount and type of development taking place in the area covered by the SuStM Neighbourhood Plan.

2025 Timetable

The window for application is open from 10 January to 9 March. Submitted applications will be reviewed on 25 March, and applicants will be informed of decisions by Friday 4 April. Following this, there will be a period of public consultation, closing on 2 May. Final sign-off by the Council will take place in May / June.

What can CIL funds be used for?

SuStM’s aim is to use CIL funds to deliver community projects in Summertown and St Margaret’s with a particular emphasis on delivering value for money for the community as a whole. These projects will include those designed to meet the objectives of the Plan, as well as projects discussed and agreed with community groups and others in this area.

The neighbourhood portion of the CIL (25% of the total) can be spent on a wider range of things than the rest of the levy, provided it meets the requirement to “support the development of the area” (see regulation 59C of the CIL Regulations for details). This wider definition means that the neighbourhood portion can be spent on things such as funding affordable housing where it would support the development of the area by addressing the demands development places on the area.

Although there are many potential projects which could be supported by CIL funds, there are limited funds. This inevitably means having to make difficult choices. Here are just a few examples of potential projects: Christmas lights; leisure facilities; equipment for community centres & groups; tree planting; picnic benches; solar panels; refurbishment of community buildings; and landscaping public spaces.

Projects which mitigate the impact of an adjacent development will be particularly welcomed.

Projects, particularly the larger ones, require informal consultation with relevant people and bodies — these may include residents’ associations, community groups, local businesses, immediate neighbours and statutory authorities. It is the applicant’s responsibility to consult and to reflect any feedback in the application for funding.

CIL funds cannot be used for scoping/feasibility studies in case the project does not proceed. However, these costs can subsequently be covered if the project does go ahead. Funds can only be used for capital expenditure, not staffing or maintenance, and will not be allocated retrospectively.

The purpose of the award of CIL funding is to benefit and enhance public places in Summertown and St. Margaret’s for the area’s residents and workers. Criteria for selection will be based on the provision of facilities or services that are: 1) additional to, or improvements upon, what already exists; 2) stimulating by providing new awareness or enjoyable experiences; 3) welfare-enhancing by being accessible to the widest spectrum of the residential population or assisting deprived segments of the population.

Further information on criteria against which projects will be evaluated can be found on the application form.

Application Process

All applications for funding are to be submitted and processed in accordance with the application timetable and supported by a completed project description.

The Steering Committee, in exceptional circumstances, will consider applications outside its normal published timescales that are urgent and no greater in value than £10k.

A single quote for the work to be undertaken will usually be sufficient. However, the Steering Committee may, at its discretion, request further information and/or commitments from an applicant, and may inspect the proposed project with the applicant prior to approving the application.

Applications will be considered by an annual or biannual CIL meeting of the Steering Committee, if funds allow. Applications that are approved will be forwarded to Oxford City Council with a request for funding from the CIL portion allocated to SuStM (sums greater than £10k require formal Council authorisation by its City Executive Board).  All decisions by the SuStM Steering Committee will be recorded to produce an audit trail. If funding is approved, SuStM Steering Committee may nominate a member as project liaison who will report to the Committee on progress of the project, and support the submission of invoices to the City Council for payment.

SuStM is committed to ensuring this process is transparent and applicants will be kept informed throughout.  Any Steering Committee member who has a potential conflict of interest involving a particular application will be excluded from the decision-making process for that application. The decisions of the Steering Committee are final, and its members do not accept any liability to applicants.

Download the application form here.

2020 Round 1 Applications and Decisions

2020 Round 2 Applications and Decisions

2021 Round 1 Applications and Decisions

2022 Round 1 Applications and Decisions

2023 Round 1 Applications and Decisions

2024 Round 1 Applications

Alexandra Park wayfinding; Burgess Field hedging; Cherwell School pedestrian access; Christmas Lights 2024; Cutteslowe Community Larder; SHARE; SMI renovation; St Aloysius’ bikes; Summertown toilets; Sunnymead Minnows

2024 Round 1 Decisions

2024 Round 2 Applications

AED at NOA; AED at St Michael’s Church Hall; Bulb planting; Canal Festival; Cherwell School Ecology Garden; Cricket nets at Ferry Leisure Centre; SHARE Library of Things; SMI wall renovation; SuStM AV equipment; Trishaw for CWoA; Underpass mural

2024 Round 2 Decisions

St Aloysius’ School have just taken delivery of 15 bikes (and helmets!) at the start of the new school year, to teach their pupils to ride safely. This was funded with a CIL grant of £4,962.